Confucius said, "Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated".
Like many crypto apps, they are complicated and painful to learn and use,
but it's going different with @pintu_id . Say hello to the easiest way to learn about crypto just like @joe_taslim do in this video.
Like many crypto apps, they are complicated and painful to learn and use,
but it's going different with @pintu_id . Say hello to the easiest way to learn about crypto just like @joe_taslim do in this video.

The Series of PINTU
ECD: Lembu Wiworojati
CD: Eno Ruge
Business Director: Nikken Diahtantri
Art Director: Fajar Utomo
Copywriter: FInaldy
Account Team: Amelia Prahasty, M Yahya Arifin
Producer: Nara Kristi/Niken Nurul Indah Pratiwi
Production House: BAM Pictures
Film Director: Ica Lawendatu